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Volunteer Job Descriptions


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The Jobs

Ready Bench & Assistants- All Meets. There shall be at least one Head Ready Bench provided by the home team, and at least one Assistant Ready Bench person from each visiting team (ideally, at least two per team is recommended) to assist with lining up their swimmers. The Ready Bench personnel shall be provided with a list of the names of all swimmers in all events including relay swimmers in the order in which they will swim. The Ready Bench individuals organize swimmers and escort them to the blocks for their assigned heats. Deck changes should be kept to a minimum during a meet, however, it is acceptable to adjust swimmers to ensure that a swimmer does not have to swim an event alone. Any deck changes to swimmers should be documented on the timer sheets. Alternatively, changes are communicated to the Computer Operator directly from the Ready Bench position.

Stroke/Turn Judge - All Meets. Works with the other teams stroke/turn judges at each meet to insure that stroke protocols are being followed by swimmers. Require some training via YouTube video view: https://youtu.be/dPKjdyQ5e-M (Prior swimming experience is a big help!)

Head Timer - Home Meets Only. The Head Timer should hold a Timer meeting to explain timing procedures and proper operation of watches to all Lane Timers before the start of the meet. A Head Timer should start at least one (preferably two) manual stopwatches at the start of each race as a backup for any Lane Timer that has an issue with their stopwatch. They should be ready to respond to any issues that a Lane Timer may have, and supply a backup time (or swap watches) for that lane. Notifies the event starter when timers are ready to begin each heat. Prefer to have previous timer experience.

Runners - Home Meets Only. (first half or second half of meet) The Home Team shall supply a Runner who is responsible for collecting the timer sheets from the timers and bringing them to the computer operator. The Runner shall also collect any DQ slips from Stroke & Turn Judges and also provide them to the computer operator. 

Computer Operator - All Meets. For each dual meet, there shall be a Computer Operator in charge of Data Entry supplied by the Home Team who is familiar with the Hytek Meet Manager program. The Computer Operator is responsible for entering in swimmers’ times from the timer sheets, identifying any issues if timers are consistently different from each other (notifying the Head Timer for he/she to research if this is a timer issue, or mechanical issue with stopwatch, etc.), enter in DQ information, adjust swimmer information if timer sheets/clerk of course area indicate “deck changes” in an event, score the meet, print out ribbon labels and other Meet Reports as necessary. 

An Assistant Computer Operator is supplied by the away team and is there to assist with the entry of the times, usually reading off times from the timer sheets to the Computer Operator. He/she should ensure that the Operator enters all information accurately from the timer sheets and DQ slips. Also, he/she should assist the Computer Operator as needed to ensure the efficient running and scoring of the meet.

Computer operators require some training. This job also requires being available for each meet if needed dependent upon number of trained operators within the team. A training session will be scheduled for those interested prior to the beginning of a scheduled meet.

Lane Timers - All Meets. (12 per team per meet, 6 each work first half and 6 each work second half of meet) Lane Timers should operate either a stopwatch to record the times of the swimmer in their lane. If applicable, one timer may operate both a stopwatch and plunger. There should be a minimum of one timer per team per lane (one Home Team timer and one Away Team timer). Lane Timers should start their manual stopwatch as soon as they observe the visual signal (if applicable), or as soon as they hear the starting signal (such as an air horn). Note: They do not need to “start” when a plunger system is used. At the end of the race, Lane Timers should stand directly over their assigned lane in order to accurately view the touch and should stop the watch (or plunger) when any part of the swimmer’s body touches the wall. If they have an issue with their stopwatch or plunger, or did not start the watch at the appropriate time, they should signal the Head Timer for the Head Timer to either switch watches with them, or finish timing that event. The times should be recorded to the one hundredth of a second (for example: 34.23 seconds) on the timer sheets. The times may be recorded by one of the Timers, or by a Time Recorder position. Note: The Timer should record the time whether or not they believe there is a stroke infraction, as that is responsibility of the stroke judges to determine, not the timers. Timers should also indicate the appropriate swimmer’s name on the timer sheets if there are deck changes to swimmers. Alternatively, Ready Bench workers can communicate deck changes to the Timer/Timer Recorder or Computer Operator. (neat handwriting is a plus).

Event Starter - Home Meets Only. Starts the races and is responsible for keeping the meet running efficiently. Requires some training.

Concession Assistants - Home Meets Only. Assists the concession coordinator by maintaining the concession area during the meets, selling food, drinks, etc. May involve handling money and making change. They may also assist with setup of kitchen and cleanup once the concessions shut down.

Ribbons Event - All Meets. Each team shall provide a person to assist in placing ribbon labels on the proper place ribbon, and sorting the ribbons by team. This position is only needed for the last half of the meet beginning approximately at event 25.

Ribbons Heat Winners - Home Meets Only. Hand out heat winner ribbons to swimmer as they exit the pool after the heat. This is done for all ages 10 and under.

Pool Deck Setup - Home meets only. Setup team reports to pool 3 hours prior to meet start time. Removes deck chairs and tables to safe location to clear deck for meet. Setup canopies and tables as needed on deck for meet. 

Event Sign Operator - Home meets only. Flips number sign after each event concludes to provide a visual to all attendees to know what the current event is being swam. May be full meet or broken into first and second half meet.

Volunteer Coordinator - All Meets. Sources volunteers for all open spots. Checks in all volunteers at swim meets. Follows up to ensure volunteer commitments have been met by each family.


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